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Biodiversity Management.

Comprehensive support for the responsible management of the World’s most valuable asset: biodiversity. 

GSS is a global reference in strategic consulting and advisory on biodiversity management and regulatory processes in Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS), especially within the scope of the Nagoya Protocol and national regulations with a prominent role in recommendations on Brazilian Federal Law 13.123/15, the "Brazilian Biodiversity Law", and its practical application within various industries.

GSS  Gestão da Biodiversidade.

Crédito:Ricardo Cardim.


raw materials mapped


countries analyzed within the scope of ABS regulations


records in SisGen


participation in CGen plenaries

GSS Gestão Regulatória em ABS
Biodiversity Management > Featured Service 

Regulatory Management in ABS. 

With more than 15 years providing strategic consulting for the management and execution of regulatory obligations, GSS offers an extensive portfolio of services designed to help companies from a wide range of industries and sector to operationalize national and international standards related to the topic of Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)  and the Nagoya Protocol.

From compliance with Law No. 13,123/2015 to Benchmarking and Advocacy in international forums, GSS has specific solutions for each challenge.

Regulatory Management in ABS

Risk assessment of product and raw materials portfolios.

To comply with the Brazilian Biodiversity Law (Federal Law No. 13,123/2015) or any other national or international ABS regulation, the first step is to identify the different species present in the raw materials, ingredients and final or finished products and the respective applicable legislation. Bearing in mind that most countries do not have an official list of species or ingredients, and that certain species may be native to more than one country, consulting an expert on this topic is key to ensuring that the analysis is carried out in a correct and efficient manner.


Hence, in this service our team of experts will evaluate the company's portfolio of raw materials and products, with the ultimate objective of finding which ones are actually subject to certain legal obligations  (e.g. registering, notifying or sharing benefits), and will determine the best compliance strategy.

Regulatory Management in ABS 

Species diagnosis and identification of center of origin.

Preparation of a technical opinion on species based on their scientific name, covering botanical description, extinction lists, identification of the center of origin and regulatory analysis of ABS rules, whether by the Brazilian Biodiversity Law, national legislation or the Nagoya Protocol.

Unlike the analysis of raw materials, in this service our experts will delve deeper into the biological information of the chosen species.

Regulatory Management in ABS 


The National System for Management of Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge - SisGen - is an electronic system created by Law No. 13,123/2015 and maintained and operationalized by the Executive Secretariat of CGen for managing access to Genetic Heritage (PG) and Associated Traditional Knowledge (CTA).

It is through this System that the public and private sector, national or foreign, must inform which research and development activities they are conducting with Brazilian biodiversity and/or associated traditional knowledge, according to deadlines established by Law.

GSS offers a complete regulatory service with regard to the necessary registrations in SisGen, such as: institutional registration; representation of foreign companies in SisGen; access registration; registration of remittance of samples and preparation of the respective TTM - Material Transfer Term; Notification of Finished Products; and Annual Net Income Statements.

Regulatory Management in ABS 


GSS has extensive experience in providing advice on compliance with the obligation to share benefits.

Here are our solutions regarding Benefit-sharing under the Brazilian Biodiversity Law – applicable to Brazilian and global companies:

Non-monetary benefit-sharing

Defining or creating Benefit Sharing Projects; conducting negotiations with the beneficiary; preparing the necessary documents such as the Benefit-sharing Agreement (ARB) and other supporting documents required by the regulation; negotiating with the Genetic Heritage Department of the Brazilian Environmental Ministry (DPG/MMA); accountability and annual reports.

Non-monetary benefit-sharing – VBIO Solution – GSS' socio-bioeconomy platform – has a selection of projects curated especially for Benefit-sharing from global companies, implemented by our team together with project proponents and their beneficiaries from communities throughout Brazil.

Monetary benefit-sharing

Assistance in complying with the annual net income declaration, issuing invoices for the National Benefit Sharing Fund and proving effective compliance.

Regulatory Management in ABS 

Associated Traditional Knowledge (ATK).

GSS has extensive experience in conducting projects involving access to Associated Traditional Knowledge (ATK).

From identifying the knowledge and its holders, to obtaining Prior Informed Consent (PIC) and negotiating the sharing of benefits, we offer comprehensive support throughout the entire process.

Our purpose is to guide institutions in complying with norms, protecting and maintaining traditional knowledge, and respecting the Guardians of Biodiversity.

Regulatory management in ABS 

In-company biodiversity management training.

Customized training programs for companies, aiming to educate and engage employees on biodiversity management topics, including ABS regulations, raw material assessment and traceability, SisGen use, and executive education on the biodiversity crisis and business opportunities. 

Gestão Regulatória em ABS

Development of Biodiversity Guides, Policies and Flows.

Support for companies and associations in creating booklets and guides on Access and Benefit-sharing; developing internal policies for the sustainable use of biodiversity; and implementing internal biodiversity flows of procedures to ensure that legal requirements are met within the better standards and deadlines stipulated by law.

Gestão Regulatória em ABS

Regularização e Assessment.

Regulatory support in regularization processes or compliance with Access and Benefit-Sharing standards.

GSS has over 15 years of expertise in conducting regularizations, processes for obtaining authorizations and Internationally Recognized Certificates of Conformity - IRCC. The consultancy includes the analysis of the specific cases, identification of risks and strategies, and monitoring of the processes until their conclusion.

Continuous Strategic Advisory in ABS.

Capacity > Biodiversity management 

Through our strategic vision and experience in implementing ABS regulations across various sectors, our strategic advisory service provides continuous and personalized support.

We offer clients the guidance of our specialists in their daily activities, assisting with general inquiries, identification, and application of legal requirements in their internal activities, and monitoring the respective developments of the ABS topic.

GSS Assessoria Estratégica Continua em ABS
Capacity > Biodiversity management 

Risk and opportunity management.

Analysis and identification of risks associated with biodiversity loss, dependency analysis, impacts and opportunities, and the development of risk management strategies and action plans. 

Among the possible approaches, we help companies understand their impacts and dependencies on nature and biodiversity using the TNFD and other available tools, aiming to meet Target 15 of “The Biodiversity Plan” or the Kunming-Montreal - Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). 

Biodiversity management 

Biodiversity risk analysis.

Support for companies in implementing TNFD recommendations, which aim to enhance the disclosure of nature-related financial information, including biodiversity risk assessment, integrating these insights into financial reports, and transparent communication with investors and stakeholders.


The advisory includes diagnosing the institution's involvement and readiness to meet the disclosures, defining methodologies and tools to be used, and accompanying the four phases of LEAP, with risk analysis based on the materiality matrix, report preparation, result interpretation, and strategy and action plan development. 

Biodiversity management 

Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

Developing a methodology for generating socio-biodiversity credits aimed at developing value chains, income generation, community development, and opening new markets such as biodiversity credit trading (biocredits) to meet ESG policies, Green Bonds, Benefit-Sharing, and international regulatory compliance mechanisms. 

Biodiversity management 

Socio-biodiversity credits.

  • Board of Directors participation.

    Participation of GSS senior team in corporate boards, providing strategic guidance and insights on integrating biodiversity, climate change, and impact innovation into pivotal corporate decisions. 

    C-Level Coaching.

    Conducting workshops for C-Level executives on topics related to biodiversity and climate change, risk management, investment opportunities and corporate positioning. In addition, we represent and guide executives at national and international events, organizing strategic content and aiding in negotiations.

  • Special studies and projects.

    Conducting studies, market analysis, competition analysis, and technical studies for associations, companies, government, and international agencies. 

  • Opportunity Identification and Business Development.

    Verticalization of processes, by investing in inside projects or building strategic partnerships. This service consists of identifying business opportunities in projects involving biodiversity and bioeconomy, including prospecting new markets and areas of innovation.

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biodiversity management services 

GSS Sociobioeconomia

Transforming ESG and legal obligations into competitive advantage.

Program implementation > Sociobioeconomy 

We develop and implement sustainable development programs based on the socio-bioeconomy to transform the purpose of organizations into significant impact for communities and the biodiversity.

VBIO Plataforma Sociobioeconomia, the Sociobioeconomy Platform.

Innovation > Sociobioeconomy platform 

GSS created to help communities create the most inspiring biodiversity bolstering programs and enter corporate value chains through socio-bioeconomy.

Get in touch with our team.

Caroline Grassl

Caroline Grassl

Bioinnovation Manager

Francine Leal

Francine Leal

Director of Biodiversity

Washington Fiorese

Washington Fiorese

Biodiversity Coordinator

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