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Carbon Credit Generation Projects.

We provide assistance throughout the project cycle, from the feasibility study to the commercialization of the carbon credits.

Our team of experts combines technical, environmental and regulatory knowledge to help clients identify opportunities and assess the economic and technical viability of projects with potential to issue carbon credits.

For viable projects, we work from the project conception stage, providing assistance on third-party validation, submission to the chosen standard, project registration, periodic monitoring, and the issuance and sale of credits in the regulated and voluntary markets. In other words, we are right by our clients' side at every stage of the process.

Projetos de Geração de Créditos de Carbono

1.300 MW+

of power turned into carbon projects


continents with implemented projects


hectares structured for restoration


carbon credits submitted for issuance

Carbon Credit Generation Projects

Services for carbon credit generation projects.

Servi​ços para projetos de geração de Créditos de Carbono

Complete assistance until credits are issued.

Carbon Projects > Full-Service

In a turn-key development model or by contracting a specific service, we guide and support clients in all stages of the process of generating carbon credits – from feasibility analysis, through project development and implementation, up to the issuance and registration of credits in the markets of carbon.


Technical and Financial Feasibility Study.

The complexity of the carbon market requires a detailed study of project opportunities. This service involves a detailed analysis to determine the economic, technical and environmental feasibility of a carbon credit project. This includes an assessment of the costs, benefits, eligibility, additionality, risks and opportunities associated with the project.


Design of the Carbon Project.

To generate carbon credits, it is essential to develop a detailed plan for implementing the carbon credit project, including defining activities, identifying and evaluating appropriate technologies, applicability of the identified methodology, estimating emission reductions and developing a monitoring and verification plan. We have experience in Removal, Restoration, REDD+, Renewable Energy, Avoided Mathane and Fuel Swtich projects.


Project Monitoring Report.

After project registration, it is necessary to continuously monitor project performance to ensure that estimated reductions/removals are being achieved and documented accurately. The monitoring report provides a regular assessment of project progress and allows for adjustments as needed to ensure compliance with carbon market requirements and project integrity.


Mapping and Developing Opportunities.

In a competitive market, several companies are verticalizing the process and investing in their own carbon projects.Through this service, GSS identifies opportunities for new projects with the potential to generate carbon credits. This may include identifying potential projects, new markets, strategic partnerships, innovative technologies and productive areas.

Renewable Energy Credits Calculator

Calculate the potential for generating carbon credits from your energy asset.

GSS Exclusive Assets Calculator
Carbon Credit Generation Projects

Carbon Standards.

Carbon Credit Generation Projects

Types of Project.

Boosting your carbon project

We boost your carbon project.

Innovation > Services for Credit Generators

Through GSS Carbon, the climate innovation branch of GSS, we redesign the strategic marketing scope of carbon projects – from its connection to its co-benefits, to your communication and marketing channels.

Ativos Sustentáveis > Projetos de Geração de Créditos de Carbono

Project Methodologies.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) carbon credit projects focus on the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of natural ecosystems to sequester and store carbon from the atmosphere. These projects aim not only to mitigate climate change, but also to promote biodiversity, protect habitats and support local communities.


Examples of NbS projects include avoided deforestation projects, conservation and restoration of degraded forests, and the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices, such as agroforestry systems and adequate soil management. In addition to sequestering carbon, these projects provide additional benefits such as regulating the hydrological cycle, preventing soil erosion and creating economic opportunities for local communities through the sustainable use of natural resources.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
Technology-based Solutions (TbS)

Technology-based Solutions (TbS) carbon credit projects involve the implementation of innovative technologies to reduce, avoid or capture greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

These projects span a wide range of sectors, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management and industrial processes.


Examples of TbS projects include the installation of wind and solar farms, the retrofitting of lighting and heating systems, carbon capture and storage (CCS) at industrial facilities and the recovery of methane from landfills.

Technology-based Solutions (TbS)

Avoided Deforestation (REDD+).

Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

Avoided Deforestation projects, also known as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), are a category of projects that aim to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the conservation of threatened forests.

These projects work to prevent deforestation and forest degradation, keeping forests standing and preserving their carbon stocks. In addition to mitigating climate change, REDD+ projects also promote biodiversity conservation, protect ecosystem services, and support the sustainable development of local communities through alternative economic activities and sustainable forest management practices.

Afforestation and Restoration.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS)

Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation (ARR) projects are a category of carbon credit projects that aim to increase CO2 removal from the atmosphere through the planting and restoration of forests and vegetation. Afforestation involves the planting of new forests, reforestation focuses on the restoration of degraded forests, and revegetation encompasses the restoration of other types of vegetation.

Esses projetos sequestram carbono, melhoram a biodiversidade, protegem bacias hidrográficas, previnem a erosão do solo e apoiam as comunidades locais, desempenhando um papel fundamental na mitigação das mudanças climáticas e na restauração dos ecossistemas naturais.

Renewable Energy.

Technology-based Solutions (TbS)

Renewable Energy Carbon Credit projects involve the implementation and development of clean, renewable energy technologies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with power generation.

These projects encompass a wide range of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and sustainable biomass. By replacing fossil fuel-based power generation with renewable sources, these projects avoid GHG emissions that would otherwise occur without the project’s implementation. In addition to mitigating climate change, renewable energy projects also promote energy security, stimulate sustainable economic development, and create green jobs.

Fuel Switch.

Technology-based Solutions (TbS)

Fuel Switch carbon projects involve replacing fossil or non-renewable fuels (e.g. burning native hardwood) with cleaner, lower-carbon alternatives such as natural gas, biogas, or sustainable biofuels.

By switching to lower-carbon fuels, these projects avoid a significant portion of the GHG emissions that would occur if conventional fossil fuels were to continue to be used. The carbon credits generated by these projects are based on the difference between the emissions from the baseline scenario (fossil fuel use) and the reduced emissions resulting from the fuel switch.

Avoided Methane in Landfills.

Technology-based Solutions (TbS)

Technology-based carbon projects to avoid methane emissions from landfills – today also referred to as biogas management projects – are essential initiatives for mitigating climate change.

These projects involve capturing and converting methane, a potent greenhouse gas, generated by the decomposition of organic waste in landfills. Using advanced technologies such as gas collection systems and biogas-to-energy units, these projects not only significantly reduce methane emissions but also transform an environmental liability into a renewable energy source.

Avoided Methane in Agriculture.

TbS + NbS

Projects to generate credits for methane management in agricultural production aim to reduce methane emissions from farmin activities, mainly livestock, through the implementation of improved management practices.

These practices include optimizing animal diets to reduce enteric fermentation, adequate treatment of waste through biodigesters or composting systems, and the adoption of rice cultivation techniques that minimize methane emissions. The carbon credits generated by these projects are quantified based on the difference between methane emissions in the baseline scenario and the emissions reduced due to the implementation of mitigation practices, following specific methodologies approved by international certification standards.

Get in touch with our team.

Diego Flaresso de Oliveira

Diego Flaresso de Oliveira

TbS and Climate Change Specialist

Fernando Mallmann

Fernando Mallmann

Director of Programs and Innovation

Luiz H. Varzinczak

Luiz H. Varzinczak

NbS and Climate Change Specialist

Paulo Zanardi Jr.

Paulo Zanardi Jr.

Director of Climate Change

Related Services.

Access our decarbonization and socio-biodiversity programs sustainable finance support services.

Sustainable Finance.

Access our climate management service, reporting systems assistance and all our decarbonization solutions.

Climate Change Management.

Access our carbon credits and power purchase agreements trading desk.

Carbon Trading Desk.

Access our impact platforms and learn more about our ESG Marketing and innovation services.

Impact Innovation.
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